5 Tips for Making Yoga a Part of Your Routine - 42 Birds

January 12, 2022 1 min read

Whether you’ve been to yoga a hundred times but life started to get in the way or you’ve been admiring the practice, adding yoga into your daily routine can seem daunting – but it doesn’t have to be! We’ve outlined five easy ways to get started: 

1. Short & Sweet. Your practice doesn’t need to be long to count. Even adding 5-10 minutes of practice can make a big difference in your daily routine.

2. Mark Your Calendar. Just like you schedule in time for all life’s important events, penciling in your practice will create a habit of visiting your mat and help you get in the zone. Bonus points if you silent your phone and watch from outside distractions. 

3. Don't Stress the Names. Yoga can be confusing enough without knowing the Sanskrit names of all the poses. Most instructors, especially in beginner classes, will walk you through each pose and if you don’t get it right, don’t sweat it!

4. Invest in Some Gear. A great way to make yoga easier and you more confident in your practice is to have the right equipment. Starting off with a non-slip cork mat will keep you grounded and blocks can help you get into tougher positions.

5. No Need to be Perfect. Repeat after me, you do not need to look like the yoga influencer in your Instagram feed. Yoga takes time and you should be focused on achieving milestones vs. perfecting dancers' poses.