It's A Good Time To Try Something New - 42 Birds

June 30, 2022 2 min read

You’ve probably heard the saying “Do one thing everyday that scares you” a million times. It’s recited in countless speeches, classes, plastered across motivational posters – and honestly, its good advice. But how many of can say we actually follow through with that on a daily, weekly, or let alone monthly basis?

I recently read an article from Outdoor Voice’s, The Recreationalist column, that took a slightly different spin on this age-old piece of advice, that said “It’s never too late to try something new… It’s okay to be bad at something you just started.”

This really resonated with me, especially when it comes to being active. While I am a very active person, I run, spin, and do yoga, on average of five times a week, but when a friend encourages me to try something new, I panic. I become self conscious and worry what everyone will think of me but why?

I recently started going to a mega-reformer pilates class in New York City and let me tell you, I was the worst person in my first (and probably second) class. Even with the simplest exercises my legs would shake, I felt like I was constantly looking around the room to see what my peers were doing because it sounded like the instructor was speaking a second language, and for two-days after the class, my body was so sore. But guess what? I survived!

As we move into a new month, we want to encourage you to try something new. It can be as simple as going for a walk every morning, trying a new yoga instructor, or as challenging as deciding to train for a race. Connect with us as you’re going through this process as well – we want to hear about your journey and how you are tackling your “something new.”